Services related to and unrelated to real estate. Nobody even attempted to prepare it. The only guide for us will be the Implementing Regulation of the EU Council establishing implementing measures for Directive / /EC on VAT. This legal act contains a sample catalog of services related to and unrelated to real estate. Sample catalog of real estate services: Preparation of plans for a building or its parts intended for a specific plot or on-site security services.
Research and risk assessment for the property and its condition Rental or leasing of real estate except advertising services including storage of goods in a designated specific part of real phone number list estate intended for the exclusive use of the service recipient Maintenance renovation and repair of a building or parts thereof including cleaning tiling wallpapering and parquet laying The installation or assembly of machinery or equipment which when installed or fitted is considered to be real property.
Mediation in the sale lease or rental of real estate Legal services related to the transfer of title to real estate the establishment or transfer of specific shares in real estate or real rights relating to real estate such as: notarial activities or preparation of contracts for the purchase or sale of real estate even if the transaction resulting in a change in the legal status of the real estate has not been moved The same regulation lists the categories of services not related to real estate which we list below.