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It happened Demonstrations in Brazil and around the world









Rank: 1

发表于 2024-3-12 14:41:26 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

Democracy, freedom of expression and free will encourage people to go out and demonstrate for their ideals or for what they consider to be justice. This is how this week was marked: demonstrations by students at the University of Brasília (UnB), calling for changes in the institution's political model. In several cities around the world, protesters are calling for the liberation of Tibet, following the Olympic torch that invites everyone to watch the Olympic Games in China this year.

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→Students occupy the UnB rectory
Since April 3, around 150 students from the Special Data University of Brasília (UnB) occupied the office of the institution's rector, Timohty Mulholland, and then the entire rectory building.

They demand the removal of the rector and vice-rector (acting rector) Edgar Mamiya, in addition to the creation of parity elections (where the votes of students and teachers have the same weight) to choose the new rector, the opening of the accounts of the UnB, the end of the university's agreements with foundations, the auction of objects purchased to decorate the rector's apartment and the investment of the money raised from this auction in improving the Student House's facilities.

Students from various courses at UnB and other public universities in Brazil joined the protest, which today (12th) completes 9 days. The protesters spend days and nights in the Rectory building, do not prevent employees from continuing to work and have gained the support of the community, which brings food to the students.

During this week there were conflicts with the police (UnB's security), water and electricity cuts and restarts and, mainly, the licensing of Timothy Mulholland from the position of rector, who is being accused by the Public Ministry of administrative improbity.

ConsUni – University Council – will meet next Wednesday, the 16th, to decide the future of Mulholland and Mamiya. The council, made up of 79 people (including students, professors, employees and members of the UnB administration) cannot remove any member of the university administration, according to the UnB statute. However, through an interim process, ConsUni can absolve, warn, suspend from office for up to 90 days (without pay) or dismiss rector and vice-rector. If this investigation indicates the rector's resignation, the Presidency of the Republic will appoint someone to the position until a new rector is elected.


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